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- Bücher über Typologie
- Sonstige Bücher
- Wissenschaftliche Studien
(MBTI, Big Five,
Zusammenhang der beiden, Partnerschaft, Sonstiges)
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Bücher über
Typologie und Co:
(alphabetisch nach
Die meisten dieser Bücher sind
in Deutschland bei
Amazon.de erhältlich, ansonsten aus den USA über
Avila Dr. Alexander, LoveTypes, 1999, Avon Books
Baron Renee, What Type am i?, 1998, Penguin Books
Barondes Samuel, Making Sense of People: Decoding the Mysteries
of Personality, 2011, FT Press Science
Bayne Rowan, Ideas and Evidence, 2005, Center for
Applications of Psychological Type, Inc.
Bents Richard & Blank Reiner, Typisch Mensch, 2005,
Beltz Test GmbH
Bents Richard & Blank Reiner, Sich und andere verstehen,
2006, Claudius Verlag
Berens Linda V. , Understanding Yourself and others,
2001, Telos Publications
Berens Linda V. & Cooper Sue A. & Ernst Linda K. &
Martin Charles R. & Myers Steve & Nardi Dario & Pearman
Roger R. & Segal Marci & Smith Melissa A., Quick Guide
to the 16 Personality Types in Organizations, 2001,
Telos Publications
Berens Linda V. & Nardi Dario, The 16 sixteen
Personality Types, 1999, Telos Publications
Bridges William, The character of organizations, 2010,
Nicholas Brealey Publishing
Briggs Myers Isabel & B. Myers Peter, Gifts Differing:
Understanding Personality Type, 1995
Brue Suzanne, The 8 Colors of Fitness, 2008, Oakledge Press
Filatova Ekaterina, Understanding The People Around You:
An Introduction To Socionics, 2010, MSI Press
Hammer Allen L., MBTI Applications: Decade of Research on the
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 1996, Consulting Psychologists
Press, Inc.
Jeffries William C. , Profiles of the 16 Personality
Types, 2002, Buttermilk Ridge Publishing
Jeffries William C. , True to Type, 1991, Hampton Roads
Jeffries William C. , Still true to Type, 2002,
Buttermilk Ridge Publishing
Jung C. G. , Psychologische Typen, 1995, Walter-Verlag
Keirsey David, Please understand me 2, 1998, Prometheus
Nemesis Book Company
Keirsey David & Bates Marilyn, Versteh mich bitte, 1990,
Prometheus Nemesis Book Company
Kise Jane A. G. , Differentiation through Personality
Types, 2007, Corwin Press
Krebs Hirsh Sandra & Kummerow Jean, Life Types, 1997,
Warner Books
Kroeger Otto & Thuesen Janet M., Type talk , 1988, DTP
Kroeger Otto & Thuesen Janet M. & Rutledge Hile, Type
talk at work, 2002, DTP Nonfiction
Lawrence Gordon, People Types & Tiger Stripes, 2009,
Center for Applications of Psychological Type, Inc.
Lorenz Thomas & Oppitz Stefan, 30 Minuten für
Profil-ierung durch Persönlichkeit, 2004, Gabal-Verlag
Miscisin Mary, Showing our true Colors, 2005, True
Colors, Inc. Publishing
Montgomery Stephen, People Patterns, 2002, Archer
Nardi Dario, Character and Personality Type, 1999, Telos
Nettle Daniel, Personality, 2007, Oxford University Press
Niednagel Jonathan P., Your key to sports success, 2004,
Laguna Press
Pearman Roger R. & Albritton Sarah C. , I´m not crazy
i´m just not you, 1997, Davies-Black Publishing
Penley Janet P. , Mother Styles, 2006, Da Capo Press
Pierce J. Howard & Jane Mitchell, The owner´s
manual for Personality at work, 2010, Center for Applied
Cognitive Studies
Pierce J. Howard & Jane Mitchell, Führen mit dem Big-Five-Persönlichkeitsmodell, 2008, Campus Verlag
Quenk Naomi L., Was that really me?, 2009, Davies-Black
Saum-Aldehoff Thomas, Big Five, 2007, Patmos Verlag
Segal Marci, Creativity and Personality Type, 2001,
Telos Publications
Stahl Stefanie & Alt Melanie, So bin ich eben!, 2005,
Ellert & Richter Verlag
Thorne Avril & Gough Harrison, Portraits of Type,
Research Compendium,
1999, Center for Applications of Psychological Type,
Tieger Paul D. & Barron-Tieger Barbara, Personality
Reading, 1999, mvg-Verlag
Tieger Paul D. & Barron-Tieger Barbara, Just Your Type,
2000, Little, Brown
Tieger Paul D. & Barron-Tieger Barbara, Do what you are,
2001, Little, Brown
Tieger Paul D. & Barron-Tieger Barbara, Nurture by
Nature, 1997, Little, Brown
Tieger Paul D. & Barron-Tieger Barbara, The Art of speed
reading people, 1999, Little, Brown
Wilde Douglass J., Jung's Personality Theory Quantified, 2011,
Wildenmann Bernd, Die Persönlichkeit des Managers, 2000,
Verlag für Angewandte Psychologie Göttingen
Bücher zu Persönlichkeit und weiterführenden Themen:
nach Autoren-Nachnamen)
Diese Bücher sind
alle bei
Amazon.de erhältlich, teilweise aber nur
noch gebraucht.
Asendorpf Jens, Persönlichkeitspsychologie für
Bachelor, 2011, Springer
Asendorpf Jens, Psychologie der Persönlichkeit, 2007,
Carducci Bernardo, Erfolgreich schüchtern, 2002,
Csikszentmihalyi Mihaly, Flow, 1991, HarperPerennial
Pierce Howard J., The Owner's
Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from
Mind-Brain Research, 2006, Bard Prod
Küstenmacher Werner Tiki & Seiwert Lothar, Simplify your
Life: Einfacher und glücklicher Leben, 2001, Campus
Lautenbacher Stefan, Güntürkün Onur, Hausmann Markus,
Gehirn und Geschlecht: Neurowissenschaft des kleinen
Unterschieds zwischen Mann und Frau, 2009, Springer
Lilienfeld Scott O. & Lynn Steven Jay & Ruscio John &
Beyerstein Barry L., 50 Great Myths of Popular
Psychology: Shattering Widespread Misconceptions about
Human Behavior, 2010, Wiley-Blackwell
Molcho Samy, Alles über Körpersprache: sich selbst und
andere besser verstehen, 2002, Mosaik
Molcho Samy, Körpersprache der Promis, 2003, Mosaik
Reiss Steven, the normal personality, 2008, Cambridge
Rückert Hans-Werner, Schluss mit dem ewigen Aufschieben:
Wie Sie umsetzen, was Sie sich vornehmen, 2006, Campus
Wiseman Richard, 59 Seconds: Think a little, change a
lot, 2010, Pan Macmillan
nach oben
(chronologisch nach Erscheinungsjahr)
Die meisten Studien sind
über Google Scholar
zu finden, über
Wiley.com oder mit einer normalen Google-Suche.
(eingeschränkt auch für
David Keirsey und
Sozionik gültig)
- Toward an Empirically Sound and Radically Revised Type
Theory, James H. Reynierse, 2012
- Personality dimensions and their relationship with job satisfaction amongst dutch nurse anaesthetists, V.C.H.
ZUNDERT and J.T.A. KNAPE, 2010
- The Case Against Type Dynamics, Reynierse, J.H., 2009
- Preference multidimensionality and the fallacy of Type
Dynamics, Reynierse, James H, & Harker, John B, Studies
1-6, 2008
- The relations between personality and language use.,
Lee CH, Kim K, Seo YS, Chung CK, 2007
- Personality
and online/offline choices: MBTI profiles and favored
communication modes in a Singapore study, Goby VP, 2006
- Personality characteristics associated with
susceptibility to false memories, Frost P, Sparrow S,
Jennifer B., 2006
- Cautionary comments regarding the Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator.; Pittenger, David J.; 2005
- Construction of Jung Psychological Types Scale,
Shinrigaku Kenkyu, 2005
- Myers-Briggs and Four-Type Structure: A principal
Components and Equimax Study of the Four Dimensions of
the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Jamie Larson, 2005
- Variation in end-of-life decision making between
critical care consultants, Poulton B, Ridley S,
Mackenzie-Ross R, Rizvi S, 2005
- Controversial
and Questionable Assessment Techniques, John
Hunsley, Catherine
M. Lee, and James M.
Wood, 2003
Hierarchical Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Tammy L. Bess, Robert J.
Harvey, Dana Swartz, 2003
- Myers Briggs Type indicator personality profiles in
unipolar depressed patients., Janowsky DS, Hong E,
Morter S, Howe L., 2002
Relationship of Myers Briggs type
indicator personality characteristics to suicidality in
affective disorder patients., Janowsky DS, Morter S,
Hong L., 2002
- Bimodal score distributions and the Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator: fact or artifact?, Bess TL, Harvey RJ., 2001
- Age at earliest reported memory: associations with
personality traits, behavioral health, and repression.,
Spirrison CL, McCarley NG., 2001
- The relationship between life satisfaction,
self-consciousness, and the Myers-Briggs type inventory
dimensions., Harrington R, Loffredo DA., 2001
- Waiting for Godot, the search for the Holy Grail, and
the futility of obtaining meaningful whole-type effects.,
Reynierse, James H.; Harker, John B., 2000
- The right relationship is everything: Linking
personality preferences to managerial behaviors; Berr,
S.A.; 2000
- Over-representation
of Myers Briggs Type Indicator introversion in social
phobia patients., Janowsky DS, Morter S, Tancer M., 2000
- MBTI and Enneagram - Their Relationship and
Complementary Use,
Tom Flautt and John
Richards, 1999
- Genetic
and environmental influences on the continuous scales of
the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: an analysis based on
twins reared apart., Bouchard TJ Jr, Hur YM, 1998
- Using Item Response Theory to Score the Myers-Briggs
Type Indicator: Rationale and Research Findings, Robert
J. Harvey and Leslie A. Thomas, 1996
- Faking personality questionnaires: Fabricating
different profiles for different purposes, A Furnham,
- A Construct Validity Study of the Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator, D
Cohen, M Cohen, 1981
Eine gute Übersicht über einige aktuelle MBTI-Studien
findet sich
...zu den
Big Five allgemein:
- Can an old dog learn (and want to experience) new
tricks? Cognitive training increases openness to
experience in older adults. Jackson, Joshua J.;Hill,
Patrick L.;Payne, Brennan R.;Roberts, Brent
W.;Stine-Morrow, Elizabeth A. L. 2012
- Stability and change of personality across the
life course: The impact of age and major life events on
mean-level and rank-order stability of the Big Five.,
Specht, Jule; Egloff, Boris; Schmukle, Stefan C., 2011
- The structure of musical preferences: A five-factor
model., Rentfrow, Peter J.;Goldberg, Lewis R.;Levitin,
Daniel J., 2011
- The
Five-Factor Framing of Personality and Beyond: Some
Ruminations, Jack Block, 2010
- Psychological Predictors of Young Adults' Use of
Social Networking Sites, Kathryn Wilson, Stephanie
Fornasier, Katherine M. White., 2010
- Facebook profiles reflect actual personality, not
self-idealization.; Mitja D Back et al, 2010
- Five-Factor Model of Personality Disorder: A Proposal
for DSM-V, Thomas A. Widiger and Stephanie N.
Mullins-Sweatt, 2009
- The HEXACO personality factors in the indigenous
personality lexicons of English and 11 other languages.,
Lee, K., & Ashton, M. C., 2008
- Why can't a man be more like a woman? Sex differences
in Big Five personality traits across 55 cultures.,
Schmitt, David P.; Realo, Anu; Voracek, Martin; Allik,
Jüri, 2008
- The geographic distribution of big five personality
traits - Patterns and profiles of human self-description
across 56 nations, Schmitt, David; Allik, Jüri; McCrae
Robert R, Benet-Martinez Veronica et al, 2007
- Gender differences in Five Factor Model personality
traits in an elderly cohort.
Chapman, Benjamin P.; Duberstein, Paul R.; Sörensen,
Silvia; Lyness, Jeffrey M., 2007
- Personality Judgments from Natural and Composite
Facial Images: More Evidence For A "Kernel Of Truth" In
Social Perception, Ian S Penton-Voak, Nicholas Pound,
Anthony C Little, David I Perrett, 2006
- National character does not reflect mean personality
trait levels in 49 cultures, Terracciano, A; et al, 2005
- The international personality item pool (IPIP) and the future
of public-domain personality measures, Lewis R.
Goldberg, John A. Johnson, Herbert W. Eber, Robert
Hogan, Michael C. Ashton, C. Robert Cloninger, Harrison
G. Gough, 2005
- Persönlichkeitspsychologie:
Stand und Perspektiven, Peter Borkenau, Boris Egloff,
Michael Eid, Jürgen Hennig, Martin Kersting, Aljoscha C
Neubauer, Frank M Spinath, 2005
- Psychometric properties of the
HEXACO personality inventory., Lee, K. & Ashton, M.
C., 2004
- The do re mi's of everyday life: the structure and
personality correlates of music preferences, Rentfrow PJ,
Gosling SD, 2003
- A Room With a Cue: Personality Judgments Based on
Offices and Bedrooms, Samuel D Gosling, Sei Jin Ko,
Thomas Mannarelli, Margaret E Morris, 2002
- Personality
disorders and the five-factor model of personality (2nd
ed.), Costa, Paul; Widiger, Thomas, 2002
- Gender differences in personality traits across
cultures: Robust and surprising findings., Costa, Paul,
Jr.; Terracciano, Antonio; McCrae, Robert R., 2001
- A broad-bandwidth, public domain, personality
inventory measuring the lower-level facets of several
five-factor models., Goldberg, L. R., In I. Mervielde,
I. Deary, F. De Fruyt, & F. Ostendorf, 1999
- Sex differences in the Big Five personality factors:
Testing an evolutionary hypothesis., Budaev, Sergey V.,
- Traits and trait names: How well is Openness
represented in natural languages?, RR McCrae, 1990
...zum Zusammenhang zwischen MBTI &
Big Five:
- The relationship between the revised NEO-personality
inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Adrian
Furnham, Adrian, Joanna Moutafi, John Crump, 2003
- The big five versus the big four: the relationship
between the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and
NEO-PI five factor model of personality, A. Furnham,
- A “big five” scoring system for the
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Robert J. Harvey, William
D. Murry, Steven E. Markham, 1995
- Reinterpreting the
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator From the Perspective of the
Five-Factor Model of Personality, Robert R. McCrae, Paul
T. Costa Jr., 1989
Introvertiert -
- Do extraverts process social stimuli
differently from introverts?; Inna Fishman, Rowena Ng,
Ursula Bellugi; 2011
- Why Extraverts Are Happier Than Introverts: The
Role of Mood Regulation, Tanja Lischetzke, Michael Eid,
- National Differences in Subjective Well-Being: The
Interactive Effects of Extraversion and Neuroticism ,
Michael Lynn & Piers Steel, 2006
- Personality and happiness: A national-level analysis,
Piers Steel, Deniz S. Ones, 2002
– An Intraindividual Process Approach to the
Relationship Between Extraversion and Positive Affect:
Is Acting Extraverted as “Good” as Being Extraverted?,
William Fleeson, Adriane B. Malanos, and Noelle M.
Achille, 2002
- Understanding extraverts’ enjoyment of social
situations: The importance of pleasantness, Richard E.
Lucas & Ed Diener, 2001
- Extraversion and neuroticism as predictors of
objective life events: A longitudinal analysis, Keith
Magnusa & Ed Diener & Frank Fujitaa & William Pavot,
- The happiness of extraverts, Michael Argyle & Luo Lu,
...zu Partnerschaft & Persönlichkeit:
- Online dating: A
critical analysis from the perspective of psychological
science., Finkel, E. J., Eastwick, P. W., Karney, B. R.,
Reis, H. T., & Sprecher, S., 2012
- Predicting relationship
and life satisfaction from personality in nationally
representative samples from three countries: the
relative importance of actor, partner, and similarity
effects., Dyrenforth PS, Kashy DA, Donnellan MB, Lucas
RE., 2010
- Relationships between Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
(MBTI) Psychological Type and Marital Satisfaction,
Divorce Proneness, Positive Affect, and Conflict
Regulation in Clinic Couples, Seong Sook Kong, 2010
- Is actual similarity
necessary for attraction? A meta-analysis of actual and
perceived similarity, R. Matthew Montoya, Robert S.
Horton, Jeffrey Kirchner, 2008
- The relationship between partner differences in
Jungian psychological type and marital satisfaction by
Miller, Denise N., Ph.D., 2006
- The role of personality in task and relationship
conflict, JE Bono, TL Boles, TA Judge…, 2002
- Genetic and Environmental Influences on the
Continuous Scales of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator:
An Analysis Based on Twins Reared Apart, Bouchard Jr.,
Thomas J.; Hur, Yoon-Mi, 1998
- Similarity between partners in real and perceived
personality traits as measured by the Myers-Briggs
type indicator, Nordvik H., 1996
- The Validity of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator for
Predicting Expressed Marital Problems., Douglass,
Frazier M., IV; Douglass, Robin, 1993
- Studies of Jungian typology: III. Personality and
marriage., Carlson R, Williams J., 1984
- Men and Women Are From Earth: Examining the Latent
Structure of Gender, Bobbi J. Carothers, Harry T. Reis,
- The Distance Between Mars and Venus: Measuring Global
Sex Differences in Personality, Marco Del Giudice, Tom
Booth, Paul Irwing, 2012
- A comparsion of the
Reiss Profile with the NEO-PI
assessment of personality, Sara E. Boyd, 2010
- Relations between big five traits and fundamental
motives, KR Olson, DA Weber, 2004
- Brain Typing: The
Pseudoscience of Cold Reading, Terry Sandbek, 2002
- Facing faces: studies on the cognitive aspects
of physiognomy, Hassin R; Trope Y, 2002
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